
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: R, Jonathan

May 28, 2005
Defending Principles, Not Criminals
by Jonathan R
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If in conflict, which is more important: the truth of a person’s criminality, or the way a police offer collects evidence thereof? Is genuine evidence of a robber, rapist or murderer’s actions too damning to be intentionally ignored, or does one’s constitutional right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures oblige us to acquit a few thugs? (Read more...)
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January 18, 2005
Ashcroft v. Raich
by Jonathan R
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In a 1996 referendum, California’s voters passed Proposition 215, codified as the Compassionate Use Act (C.U.A.). The C.U.A. legalized medical marijuana for seriously ill Californians, thus placing state law in direct conflict with federal law, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, or the Controlled Substances Act (C.S.A.). The C.S.A. classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug that is unqualifiedly illegal unless part of an F.D.A. study. While we may argue for the relevance of the constitution’s supremacy clause or of individual rights, the instant issue before the U.S. Supreme Court is whether the C.S.A. exceeds the power of Congress under the commerce clause.
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January 1, 2005
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 6
by Jonathan R
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Did deterrence fail? (Read more...)
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December 31, 2004
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 5
by Jonathan R
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How did the Bush administration react? (Read more...)
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December 30, 2004
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 4
by Jonathan R
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Of course, just two years after the ceasefire, Iraq embarked on another adventure, brutally occupying and plundering Kuwait. Expressing the view of many in 2002-03, Mark Bowden, a veteran military affairs journalist, argues that Saddam’s decision ranks as “one of the great military miscalculations of modern history." (Read more...)
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December 29, 2004
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 3
by Jonathan R
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Hawks argued that since Saddam was “crazy,” we “could not afford to trust [his] motives or [to] give him the benefit of the doubt.” For the tyrant was irrational and therefore undeterrable. (Read more...)
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December 28, 2004
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 2
by Jonathan R
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But what about Saddam’s well-known collaboration with non-Al Qaeda terrorists? (Read more...)
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December 27, 2004
A Retroactive Analysis of National Security Casus Belli for the Iraq War: Part 1
by Jonathan R
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Linz has graciously allowed me to post my senior thesis here piecemeal. Since it is a draft, not due until April, I’m hoping for your most rigorous feedback.

Please note that
1. I am still working on Iraqi Collaboration with Al Qaeda outside 9/11.
2. I address Saddam’s collaboration with Al Qaeda and his deterrability, not the advisability of the war itself.
3. All my information comes from material publicly available before the war began.

See http://students.hamilton.edu/2005/jrick/thesis.htm for updates.

Thanks, Jon
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October 10, 2004
To Torture or Not to Torture?
by Jonathan R
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We know that a large-scale terrorist attack is imminent. We probably know the general location, we probably know that it will happen in the next twenty-four or forty-eight hours, and we are eighty or ninety percent certain that the person we have apprehended knows what, where and when.[1] To torture or not to torture? (Read more...)
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September 4, 2004
The Immorality of Conscription
by Jonathan R
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No matter how one rationalizes it—duty, the Constitution, necessity, practicality, shared sacrifice—conscription abrogates a man’s right to his life and indentures him to the state. As President Reagan recognized (at least rhetorically), “[T]he most fundamental objection is moral”; conscription “destroys the very values that our society is committed to defending.”
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July 24, 2004
Tolerating Intolerance: Why Hate Speech Is Free Speech
by Jonathan R
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With words, an orator can touch your very soul, inciting a people to insurrection or moving a mob to vigilantism. Yet words are always just words, since the breaking of sound waves across one’s ears is qualitatively different from the breaking of a baseball bat across one’s back. (Read more...)
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May 8, 2004
Covering Dictatorships Means Covering the Truth
by Jonathan R
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Trustworthy news requires freedom; without freedom one cannot report the news freely. It is therefore futile and fraudulent for a news agency to operate in a dictatorship. (Read more...)
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March 11, 2004
Campaign Finance Reform in Buckley v. Valeo
by Jonathan R
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In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, Congress amended existing campaign finance laws to limit the amount that could be contributed to, or spent by, political campaigns. The Supreme Court considered these regulations in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) and made a momentous hash of the legislation. The verdict therefore bot... (Read more...)
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February 26, 2004
War for Men's Minds
A Free Market of, by and for Human Life
by Jonathan R
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In a free country, who should have the moral-and hence legal-right to decide what an individual does with his own body: the state or the individual? Whose body-and hence whose life-is it? (Read more...)
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