
Rebirth of Reason

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'Scary Weapons Ban' sunsets
Posted by Duncan Bayne on 9/14/2004, 2:00pm
The Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 is no more - it has died of natural causes, courtesy the sunset clause built into it. Details about the ban, which effectively banned weapons that look scary to hoplophobes, can be found on the site www.awbansunset.com:
Specifically, a rifle is considered an "assault weapon" if it can accept a detachable magazine, and possesses two or more of the following features:
  • Folding or telescopic stock
  • Pistol grip protruding conspicuously beneath the stock
  • Bayonet mount
  • Flash suppressor or threaded barrel
  • Grenade launcher
However, the fact that the ban is no more is no time to relax! If you don't want it coming back (and both Bush and Kerry have stated they'd sign a new ban), now is the time to begin writing Congressmen, newspaper Editors, magazine Editors (feel like running an article on the AWB, Lindsay?) - anyone who will help stop a new ban, or simply get your message out to the people.
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