
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 9:19amSanction this postReply
I vote for the least statist candidate, even if he is a statist.  The reason is that as stated, in aggregate the more a nation rejects even one perceived as less statist, the more the politicians swing toward that way.  The swing back towards statism is very bad, and even if it means voting for a bad candidate, in this case McCain, it means a repudiation of complete socialism being espoused by the democrats.

Post 21

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 10:06amSanction this postReply

You forgot to include Ron Paul. I believe he is still a major party candidate getting double digit support in some states.

You also left off the Huckster, thereby depriving many of us of the chance to creatively use invective.

And, since you asked us who we're rooting for, it seems you missed an opportunity to make a pun and advance a laudable pro-liberty candidate by leaving off Wayne Allen Root, who is running on the Libertarian Party ballot.


I intentionally focused on the three candidates who appear to have a realistic chance at the moment. It's more a poll about the President you'll get than about the one you'd ideally want. I was curious how many of you manage to see something positive in one of the mainstream candidates.


And please feel free to abuse ****abee any way you want. After all, you don't have to vote for him to abuse him.


By the way, I think McCain is the least disastrous candidate of the three, but I wanted to see if anyone here has anything good to say about Hillary or Obama.


Post 22

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 11:53amSanction this postReply
Alexander -- I seem to recall pundits saying Giuliani had it all locked up, done deal, end of discussion, and that joker Huckabee was doomed to low single-digit numbers.  Then people started voting.

I agree that Ron Paul isn't going to be President, but IIRC McCain has to win about 40% of the remaining delegates to avoid the decision being made at the convention, where anything could happen.  It's a little premature to be reading the eulogy for the Huckster's campaign, peace and blessings not be upon his name. ;)

Post 23

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 1:11pmSanction this postReply



If Security is valuable even without any Liberty whatsoever, but Liberty isn't valuable without Security, then Security is more valuable than Liberty is.

If Liberty is valuable even without any Security whatsoever, but Security isn't valuable without Liberty, then Liberty is more valuable than Security is.



We may have a two-pronged (benevolent) verbal skirmish going here, given the similarity between this and the “heuristic neocon” thread.


If it was a matter of either-or, you would be right.  But it isn’t.  It is an issue of degrees: balancing the cost of lowering our defenses and reducing internal security against the relative loss of liberty, which I consider to be a longer-term issue than the urgency of defeating Islamism.  We must survive the immediate danger in order to live and “fight another day” for freedom.


Let’s translate that choice into real consequences: You are implying that you would prefer to see hundreds of thousands of citizens killed by a nuclear bomb blast in a major American city than see universal health care become the law of the land.


I would rather see universal health care signed into law and prosecute the war on terror (internationally and domestically) to prevent such a disaster, with the hope that we will eventually wise up and annihilate the Islamists so that we can turn our attention back to the challenge of preserving freedom at home.

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Post 24

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 2:06pmSanction this postReply
Dennis Hardin wrote:

> I would rather see universal health care signed into law and prosecute the war on terror (internationally and domestically)
> to prevent such a disaster, with the hope that we will eventually wise up and annihilate the Islamists so that we
> can turn our attention back to the challenge of preserving freedom at home.


Once we "annihilate the Islamists", I'm afraid I have an extremely difficult time seeing how we are going to get back on a track of "preserving freedom at home". And I don't think this is due to a failure of my imagination!

(Edited by C. Jeffery Small on 2/11, 2:48pm)

Post 25

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 3:34pmSanction this postReply
Jeffery says:

Once we "annihilate the Islamists," I'm afraid I have an extremely difficult time seeing how we are going to get back on a track of "preserving freedom at home."

Arbitrary claims are automatically invalidated.  They have no epistemological standing.

Post 26

Monday, February 11, 2008 - 3:41pmSanction this postReply
Dennis Hardin wrote:

> Arbitrary claims are automatically invalidated. They have no epistemological standing.


Well argued. I'm certainly familiar with the claim that most, if not all of my utterances are contentless.


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