
Rebirth of Reason

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Sanctions: 4Sanctions: 4
Newsweek Columnist Warns Against Early Withdrawal from Iraq
Posted by Luther Setzer on 9/15/2004, 9:58am
This article offered a refreshing perspective distinguished from the usual hype surrounding the Iraq war.  Fareed Zakaria, widely respected for his scholarly research, support of freedom through constitutional republics and well-written books such as The Future of Freedom, openly supports the effort of nation-building ...(Read more...)
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Libertarian Futurist Society Announces 2004 Prometheus Award and Hall of Fame Winners
Posted by Bob Palin on 9/16/2004, 2:31pm
F. Paul Wilson won this year's award for Best Novel for Sims. Vernor Vinge's short story, “The Ungoverned”, won the Hall of Fame Award.(Read more...)
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"Why Don't Muslims Condemn Terrorism?"
Posted by Michelle Cohen on 9/18/2004, 1:58pm
A recent article by Irfan Khawaja on the History News Network of George Mason University: "Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism?” (Read more...)
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Veteran of Japan’s bio-warfare program atones for his sins
Posted by Sam Erica on 9/20/2004, 8:38am
Though he often wanted to tell his story, “No one wanted to hear what I was saying,” he said. “The Japanese prefer to think of themselves as victims in the war. Even the peace movement people told me that talking about Japan’s role as an aggressor wasn’t constructive. (Read more...)
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Kerry Better Than Bush?
Posted by Michelle Cohen on 9/20/2004, 12:51pm
Alexander Marriott posted a well-thought critique of the theory that Bush's religious zealotry makes Kerry a better candidate for Objectivists. (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 1
Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik interviewed on SlashDot
Posted by Duncan Bayne on 9/20/2004, 2:47pm
SlashDot is one of the worlds most popular tech websites, and they've just interviewed the Libertarian candidate for President, Michael Badnarik. It's good to see Libertarian policies being clearly and convincingly advocated on a (relatively) mainstream news website.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
Letter to a young, libertarian capitalist
Posted by Andrew Bissell on 9/20/2004, 3:56pm
This column appeared on page 3 of The Missoulian's weekly entertainment insert. (The Missoulian is the primary local newspaper in my Montana hometown.) It's about Objectivism and yours truly. (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 4Sanctions: 4
The GOD Simulator!
Posted by Orion Reasoner on 9/21/2004, 10:28am
...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3
Israel Is The Defining Issue Of Our Time
Posted by Lindsay Perigo on 9/22/2004, 1:48am
I'm posting this for Barbara Branden, who's unable to access the net right now. Linz "Israel is the defining moral issue of our time." London Daily Mail -- July 21, 2004 The Defining Issue --By Melanie Philips The world terror supporters' club, aka the UN, has told Israel to tear dow...(Read more...)
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The Objectivist Hero Cycle
Posted by Joe Maurone on 9/22/2004, 5:05pm
On the eve of the DVD release of the original STAR WARS trilogy, the adventurous among you are invited to read THE HERO CYCLE AND OBJECTIVISM at the new site JUNGIAN OBJECTIVISM (http://jungianobjectivism.tripod.com). JUNGIAN OBJECTIVISM is an attempt to explore the common ground of the ideas of Ayn Rand and Carl Ju...(Read more...)
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